Three Natural Ways To Reduce The Frequency Of Your Migraines

Posted on: 15 July 2016


Are you tired of being laid up with migraines on a regular basis? While there are medications that promise to reduce the frequency of your migraines, they're not for everyone, and for some, they cause unwanted side effects are almost as bad as the migraines themselves. Thankfully, there are some ways to reduce the frequency of your migraines safely and naturally – without resorting to drugs.

See your chiropractor.

When your spine is out of alignment, particularly in your neck, it can lead to muscle tension in the neck. This tension can contribute to migraines. A misaligned spine can also place pressure on certain nerves, perpetuating migraines or making them worse. By adjusting your spine to alleviate these misalignments, your chiropractor can reduce the frequency of your migraines. Keep in mind that you'll probably need more than one adjustment to see a noticeable effect. If your spine has been out of place for a while, it will automatically revert to that position following your adjustment, and your chiropractor will have to repeatedly adjust it for a while until your body adapts. Every case is different, so be open and honest with your chiropractor about your migraine symptoms so that he or she can devise a treatment plan that's right for you.

Get more exercise.

Exercise helps prevent migraines in several ways. First of all, it boosts your circulation and gets your blood pumping, which is important since migraines often involve a lack of blood flow to a certain area of the brain. Second, it lowers your stress levels. Since stress contributes to migraines in many patients, anything you can do to keep your stress levels low will be helpful. You don't have to lift weights for three hours a day or train for a marathon. Just try to schedule a walk, jog, or aerobics session a few times per week. Once you get into the habit of exercise, you should notice fewer headaches.

Cut out alcohol.

Many migraine sufferers don't believe alcohol contributes to their migraines because they don't develop headaches within a few hours of drinking. But alcohol can also trigger what is known as delayed alcohol-induced headaches, which appear the day after drinking. Cutting back on alcohol, or avoiding it completely, is likely to reduce the frequency of your migraines. Try finding a non-alcoholic beverage that you really enjoy – such as a sparkling water beverage or a "mocktail" – and reach for that every time you're craving a drink or are with people who are drinking.

None of these remedies will work overnight, but if you pay attention to getting more exercise, start seeing your chiropractor, and reduce your alcohol intake, you should find that your migraines decrease in frequency.